Monday, 14 December 2015

You're Tarzan and she is Jane

Last night, out of the blue, I've stumbled upon the trailer for a new Tarzan movie. More accurately "Legend of Tarzan". Normally, remakes of this story are rather weak. However, I have to admit that m expectations are a bit higher towards this one. You just need to take one glimpse at the cast: starting from the main protagonist, played by Alexander Skarsgard, to his true love Jane, played by Margot Robbie (who is that rare exception, where beauty is complemented by acting skills) to secondary characters, among which we see Christopher Waltz (and nobody with two Oscars and his actual position in Hollywood has to play in bad movies to earn some money), Samuel Lee Jackson (who always creates characters that aren't fully serious and has that air of black humor), Djimon Hounsou (whose name you might not recognize, but his face for sure).

Let's wait and see in July 2016 if it really measured up to the expectations.

Here you have the teaser trailer:


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