Tuesday 24 November 2015

Expanse or not another SF show...

It is basically, an adaptation of the books by Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck (writing under alias James S. A. Corey). At first, there are many point of views and characters and you get a bit lost in the plot. But once you find yourself a little more informed, it is really somethign different.
You could find the underlying comments about the modern world and politics. The so-called Belters being exploited by the other, stronger parties: Earth and Mars. The validity of torture. whether one can stay corupt-free in the modern world. How the means of pressure are being used on the police force.

I believe that SF movies are really interesting (of course not al of them, but in general), because they show us what can happen with our world in the future. There are many posibilities, but which one will we take is ratehr unclear.

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